Tag Archives | coverup


N.Y. Post: Did IRS Steal 2020 Election for Joe Biden?

New York Post, September 6, 2024 Hunter Biden’s plea proves IRS and DOJ helped tilt the 2020 election for Joe James Bovard Hunter Biden pled guilty on Thursday to an armload of federal tax crimes. But when will the Internal Revenue Service plead guilty to stealing the 2020 election for Joe Biden? The coverup of […]

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Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 22-58-50 Jim Bovard - The Shaun Thompson Show

Thrashing Politicians and Fumbling Feds on the Shaun Thompson Show

Shaun Thompson, the host of the Liberty Hour on  Chicago’s The Answer AM 560, and I hounding and pounded a bunch of politicians and federal agencies this evening.   I mentioned the media’s rush to Kamalaflauge – “it’s like Harris’s entire record is being expunged and anyone who quotes what she said in 2019 is […]

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Sen. Bob Graham, 9/11, and the Mirage of American Democracy

Senator Bob Graham, 9/11, and the Mirage of American Democracy  by James Bovard Former Senator Bob Graham passed away on April 16 at the age of 87. Graham had been one of the most outspoken opponents of the Iraq War, but his brightest legacy was his perennial fight against the George W. Bush administration’s cover-up […]

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