Tag Archives | election

New York Post: Cynics Won on Election Day

New York Post, November 10, 2022 The biggest winners of the midterms: cynics who don’t expect better governance By James Bovard Cynics had another great Election Day on Tuesday. Expectations of a vast red wave became little more than scattered sightings of Democratic road kill. President Joe Biden took a “no red wave” victory lap […]

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Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 08-33-04 Something Completely Different With Brian Wilson on Apple Podcasts

Mid-Term Post-Mortem on the Brian Wilson Podcast

Talk Show Legend Brian Wilson and I had too much fun bantering about the mid-term election results.  Our faith in democracy is fully restored, or at least it remains the same as it was pre-election.  Brian has been a friend for almost 30 years and he works valiantly to protect me against my shameless deference […]

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New York Post: Biden’s “Big Lie” on Democracy

New York Post, November 3, 2022 Biden’s ‘Big Lie’ on democracy By James Bovard In a lethargic yet indignant speech Wednesday from Washington’s Union Station, President Biden portrayed Republican voters as a deadly threat to the survival of democracy. But Joe Biden’s version of democracy contains a Montana-sized asterisk that magically exempts himself from his […]

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Screenshot 2022-10-23 at 20-27-00 NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness

New York Post: NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness

New York Post, October 23, 2022 NYT’s Republicans ‘devil terms’ front page is more media midterm madness By James Bovard Just in time for Halloween and the congressional midterm elections, The New York Times wallops readers with a front-page story about GOP “devil terms.” Times reporters sifted through millions of documents to prove that Republicans […]

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New York Post: Biden Drafts ‘Hate’ to Get Out the Vote

New York Post, September 14, 2022 Biden drafts hate to get out the midterm vote by James Bovard Fresh from denouncing Republicans as “semi-fascists” and “violent extremists,” President Joe Biden will host a White House “United We Stand” summit Thursday: Our president will assure Americans (or at least the media) that he is totally opposed […]

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Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion

Libertarian Institute, August 27, 2021 Afghanistan and the Sham of Democracy Promotion by James Bovard Americans finally recognize the military lies that pervaded the success claims of the 20-year war in Afghanistan.  But democracy promotion was an even bigger sham. Afghanistan was Exhibit A for the triumphal crusade to spread freedom and democracy. After the […]

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