Tag Archives | Fauci


N.Y. Post: Private-federal censorship machine targeted TRUE ‘misinformation’

New York Post, March 18, 2023 Private-federal censorship machine targeted TRUE ‘misinformation’ By James Bovard Did you make any “worrisome jokes” about the Biden administration’s proposal to send agents door-to-door to browbeat people to get COVID vaccines? Then you were a public enemy guilty of spreading dangerous disinformation. Did you ask questions about COVID policy? […]

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Pounding Fauci for 3 Years on Twitter

Fauci is trending on Twitter today. The Wall Street Journal just exposed the coverup of the Covid-19 leaking from a Wuhan lab that Fauci helped bankroll (confirming prior exposes). Since April 2020, I have been pounding Fauci on Twitter. Here’s a round-up of accolades I tossed out for “Mr. Science.” Perhaps Fauci will paraphrase a […]

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Landmarks on the Road to Covid Tyranny

Landmarks on the Road to Covid Tyranny By James Bovard   February 21, 2023   History, Law Many Americans were appalled at the oppressive decrees issued by politicians and government officials during the Covid pandemic. But there were plenty of post-9/11 precedents that paved the way for recent abuses. Authoritarian Covid policies were shocking but […]

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New York Post: The Day Tony Fauci Lost His Memory

New York Post, November 26, 2022 ‘All-knowing’ Tony Fauci’s memory suddenly vanishes when he has to testify By James Bovard No American has been more revered by the media in the COVID era than Anthony Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Since […]

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Biden’s COVID Dictatorship Will Never End

Libertarian Institute, October 18, 2022 Joe Biden’s COVID Dictatorship Will Never End by Jim Bovard | The Biden administration formally decreed last week that America’s COVID “emergency” continues. That proclamation was tricky to reconcile with President Biden’s announcement last month on 60 Minutes: “The pandemic is over.”  Apparently, that was malarkey—perhaps part of the Democratic […]

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Corrupt Federal Statistics Cover Endless Cons

Corrupt Federal Statistics Cover Endless Cons by James Bovard Federal agencies don’t count what politicians don’t want to know. President Joe Biden and other Democrats perennially invoke “science and data” to sanctify all their COVID-19 mandates and policies. But the same shenanigans and willful omissions that have characterized COVID data have perennially permeated other federal […]

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