Tag Archives | FISA


Stop the “Biden Big Brother Better” Law

theamericanconservative.com, December 12, 2023 Stop the “Biden Big Brother Better” Law James Bovard Unfortunately, betting on the triumph of constitutional rights on Capitol Hill remains a fool’s errand. *********************** Don’t “trust any bill so large that it has to be delivered by handcart,” warns Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), the top Senate opponent to a rubber […]

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Trump Impeachment, War Lies, FISA Frauds on Brian Wilson Two & Only Podcast

Brian Wilson and I had fun smacking around the latest Trump indictment, the lies that permeated the Korean and Iraq Wars, and the latest FBI FISA finagling on the latest Two and Only Podcast. You can listen to the 25 minute rowdy discussion  here https://nfscd.buzzsprout.com/1991115/13339855 Be sure to check out Brian’s other sites: Brian Wilson […]

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Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy

Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy by James Bovard Edward Snowden did heroic service in awakening Americans to Washington ravishing their privacy. Snowden’s “reward” is to be banished in Russia without a snowball’s chance in hell of a fair trial if he returns to America. But as he courageously declared, “I would rather be […]

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Biggest FBI Spy Scandal of the Year

Libertarian Institute, May 25, 2023 EXPOSED: Biggest FBI Spy Scandal of the Year by Jim Bovard A Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinion released last week revealed that the FBI violated the constitutional rights of 278,000 Americans in 2020 and 2021 with warrantless searches of their email and other electronic data. For each American that the […]

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The FBI Tried to Veto the 2016 Presidential Election

The FBI Tried to Veto the 2016 Presidential Election by James Bovard On Monday, Special Counsel John Durham released his final report on the FBI and Justice Department’s abuse of power during the 2016 presidential election. His 316-page report proves that federal law enforcement was weaponized to rig American politics by shielding Hillary Clinton’s campaign […]

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