Tag Archives | FISA

January 6 Capitol Clash. Photo by Tyler Merber via Wikipedia

N.Y. Post: Team Biden’s charging 1,000 more with Jan. 6 crimes to perpetuate a fake political emergency

New York Post, March 17, 2023 Team Biden’s charging 1,000 more with Jan. 6 crimes to perpetuate a fake political emergency by James Bovard The Biden administration is planning to charge another thousand Trump supporters with crimes related to the Jan. 6 Capitol clash. This will perpetuate an atmosphere of political emergency that justifies President […]

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Davos’ Damndest Delusion: FBI As Good Guys?

Libertarian Institute, January 24, 2023 Davos’ Damndest Delusion: FBI As Good Guys? by James Bovard You can judge an audience by how much bullshit they accept from the podium. By that standard, the World Economic Forum attendees in Davos, Switzerland last week were either depraved or craven. Why else would FBI chief Christopher Wray not […]

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Liberals’ Love Affair with Leviathan

Liberals’ Love Affair with Leviathan by James Bovard February 18, 2022 The election of Joe Biden as president magically transformed all federal agencies, ensuring that their iron fists no longer posed any peril to the American people. Or at least that seems to be what many Biden supporters, liberals, and Democrats now believe.Shutting down entire […]

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NSA Vs Tucker Carlson Is An Alarm Bell For All Americans

BOVARD: Why NSA Vs Tucker Carlson Is An Alarm Bell For All Americans James Bovard Contributor July 17, 2021 1:18 PM ET Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s charge that the National Security Agency illegally spied on him and leaked his emails is enraging prominent liberals. Carlson sought “to sow distrust [of the NSA], which is […]

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The Deep State Defeat of Donald Trump

The Deep State Defeat of Donald Trump by James Bovard June 23, 2021 “The Trump–Deep State clash is a showdown between a presidency that is far too powerful versus federal agencies that have become fiefdoms with immunity for almost any and all abuses,” I wrote in an FFF article a year ago. Since then, Donald […]

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Pummeling the FBI and the Police State with Scott Horton MP3

Hell-raising talk show host Scott Horton and I gave a hearty flogging to illegal federal surveillance in this 26 minute interview spurred by this article in the American Conservative.  Below is the write-up on the show from Scott’s website: Jim Bovard discusses the way the American surveillance state has slowly dismantled the fourth amendment, especially […]

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FISA and the Still Too Secret Police

American Conservative, April 30, 2021 FISA and the Still Too Secret Police The FBI continues to lawlessly use counterintelligence powers against American citizens. by James Bovard The Deep State Referee just admitted that the FBI continues to commit uncounted violations of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA). If you sought to report a […]

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