From the Future of Freedom Foundation’s monthly journal – Freedom vs. Medals of Freedom by James Bovard Though proximity to power is its own reward, rulers have long recognized the benefit of distributing trinkets to potential sycophants. From medieval times onwards, the English king was seen as the “fount of all honors.” The British government […]
Tag Archives | fraud
My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Democracy Flim-Flam
WASHINGTON TIMES June 20, 2014 How Obama whoops up democracy The president blunders by thinking voting alone will keep people safe by James Bovard As his foreign policy becomes more bollixed by the week, President Obama is taking refuge by whooping up democracy. In Warsaw, Poland, earlier this month, Mr. Obama proclaimed, “Wherever people are […]
JFK Assassination: Why So Many Government Lies?
The 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy is focusing public attention on some of the deceits that long permeated his death. It is amazing how much BS the government shoveled in the immediate aftermath. The Warren Commission report – which is now widely derided – was supposed to canonize the Official Story […]
Podcast with Brian Wilson on Obama’s Syria War Malarkey
In a Libertas Media interview this afternoon, Brian Wilson and I took turns paying disrespects to Obama’s push for war against Syria. It is unlikely that the White House will recruit either one of us for its future publicity campaigns. You can download or listen to the @30 minute podcast by clicking here.
Obama, NSA, Gulf of Tonkin, & Governing as Lying
This is the 49th anniversary of Congress’s passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, by which the Lyndon Johnson administration lied the nation into the Vietnam War. The resolution was spurred by false assertions of multiple North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. ships. At a National Security Council meeting on the evening that the first report came […]
The Voting Rights Mirage
The Washington Times, July 3, 2013 BOVARD: The voting rights mirage Satisfied to cast ballots, Americans stand idle while other freedoms are ravished by James Bovard Liberals are aghast at the Supreme Court ruling last week that struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg denounced the […]
More Madness from Psychiatrists
The director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Thomas R. Insel, tells the New York Times that the new Diagnostic Statistical Manual – the psychiatrists’ bible – is a crock. But we will still be endlessly taxed to pay for treatments that shrinks gin up as a result of the profusion of new […]