Tag Archives | fraud


My Fox Business News Interview on the Food Insecurity Charade

My interview with Fox Business News’ David Asman on USDA’s food insecurity charade. Click here to see the video at the Fox News site. Or here’s the video directly – The one certainty is that this interview spurred me to trim my beard. I still can’t understand why the makeup lady scoffed when I told her […]

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Eric Holder and the Waco Coverup

I mentioned in today’s Washington Times piece that Attorney General Eric Holder had been involved in the coverup of Waco during the Clinton administration.  Here is a piece I wrote for American Spectator on how the Danforth Commission turned into a whitewash. Holder, then serving as Deputy Attorney General, managed to steer John Danforth in […]

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U.K. Ecologist: How Obama Aid Ravages Third World Farmers

Ecologist (UK), July 27, 2014 Obama food aid ravages Third World farmers by James Bovard The US taxpayers who finance foreign food aid surely believe they are feeding starving people, writes James Bovard. But the truth is the reverse – it is undermining indigenous agriculture in recipient countries – creating famine and chronic malnutrition, while […]

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FFF: Freedom vs. Medals of Freedom

From the Future of Freedom Foundation’s monthly journal – Freedom vs. Medals of Freedom by James Bovard Though proximity to power is its own reward, rulers have long recognized the benefit of distributing trinkets to potential sycophants. From medieval times onwards, the English king was seen as the “fount of all honors.” The British government […]

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My Wash. Times Op-Ed: Obama’s Democracy Flim-Flam

WASHINGTON TIMES   June 20, 2014 How Obama whoops up democracy The president blunders by thinking voting alone will keep people safe by James Bovard As his foreign policy becomes more bollixed by the week, President Obama is taking refuge by whooping up democracy. In Warsaw, Poland, earlier this month, Mr. Obama proclaimed, “Wherever people are […]

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JFK Assassination: Why So Many Government Lies?

The 50th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy is focusing public attention on some of the deceits that long permeated his death. It is amazing how much BS the government shoveled in the immediate aftermath. The Warren Commission report  – which is now widely derided – was supposed to canonize the Official Story […]

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Podcast with Brian Wilson on Obama’s Syria War Malarkey

  In a Libertas Media interview this afternoon, Brian Wilson and I took turns paying disrespects to Obama’s push for war against Syria. It is unlikely that the White House will recruit either one of us for its future publicity campaigns. You can download or listen to the @30 minute podcast by clicking here.

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