Tag Archives | George H.W. Bush

Stop Protecting Presidents from History

American Institute for Economic Research, November 15, 2021 Stop Protecting Presidents from History by James Bovard Former president Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit to block release of speech drafts, call logs, and handwritten notes regarding the January 6 Capitol Clash. Trump is seeking to prohibit the National Archives from delivering those records to a […]

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Heisting the Secret U.S. Tariff Code

American Institute for Economic Research, October 4, 2021 The Secret Tariff Code Heist James Bovard Nothing so diminishes democracy as secrecy,” as Attorney General Ramsey Clark warned in 1967. As a journalist, I have battled federal agencies for decades to try to discover the sordid details of how Americans’ rights and liberties are being shafted. […]

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More Wetlands Purgatory for American Landowners

American Institute for Economic Research, September 3, 2021 More Wetlands Purgatory for American Landowners James Bovard How many drops of water does it take to justify federal bureaucrats commandeering your own land? Unfortunately, a federal judge changed the answer on Monday – the latest flip-flop in a saga stretching back more than 30 years and […]

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FDR, Demagogue Champion of Leviathan and War

Libertarian Institute, April 13, 2020 FDR, Demagogue Champion of Leviathan and War by Jim Bovard | Sunday was the 75th anniversary of the death of Franklin Roosevelt.  Roosevelt was sainted by the media even before he died in 1945. CNN last week trumpeted FDR as “the wartime president who Trump should learn from.” A 2019 […]

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George H.W. Bush’s Forgotten Debacles and Demagoguery

George H.W. Bush’s Forgotten Debacles and Demagoguery by James Bovard After former President George H.W. Bush died late last year, he was widely hailed as a great leader and patriot. At the National Cathedral funeral service, biographer Jon Meachan declared that Bush was a “twentieth-century Founding Father.” The minister of Bush’s church in Houston compared […]

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My Interview on William Barr & Ruby Ridge – Scott Horton Show

My old friend Scott Horton and I had a rattling good chat on Trump Attorney General nominee William Barr’s boundless affection for FBI snipers who perchance kill innocent Americans (spurred by my article last week for American Conservative). Barr championed immunity for Lon Horiuchi, the FBI agent who gunned down Vicki Weaver in her cabin […]

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FDR’s Worst Perversion of Freedom

Mises Institute, January 17, 2019 FDR’s Worst Perversion of Freedom: The “Four Freedoms” Speech by James Bovard Franklin Roosevelt did more than any other modern president to corrupt Americans’ understanding of freedom. Last week was the 75th anniversary of his 1944 speech calling for a second Bill of Rights to guarantee economic freedom to Americans. […]

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