Tag Archives | gun owners of america


Will Trump Learn from Bump Stock Battering?

Will Trump Learn from Bump Stock Battering? by James Bovard, June 18, 2024 The Supreme Court last Friday struck down one of the most controversial gun control edicts in recent years. The ruling on bump stocks is being widely hailed as a victory for an expansive reading of the Second Amendment. But it is also […]

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N.Y. Post: Hunter Biden verdict shatters family’s myth of legal invincibility, endangering Joe

New York Post, June 12, 2024 Hunter Biden verdict shatters family’s myth of legal invincibility, endangering Joe by James Bovard President Biden’s re-election campaign was hit by a torpedo Tuesday when a Delaware jury convicted his son Hunter on three felony charges. Ironically, the political fate of the most anti-gun president in American history could […]

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