Tag Archives | Henry Kissinger

Dictator Biden’s Anti-Dictator Constitutional Amendment

Dictator Biden’s Anti-Dictator Constitutional Amendment by James Bovard | Aug 5, 2024 Twenty years ago, I jokingly proposed a constitutional amendment to require the U.S. government to obey the Constitution. President Biden has one-upped me with his proposal for a “No One is Above the Law” constitutional amendment. But Biden would have been more honest […]

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My Zestiest Zingers of 2023

Libertarian Institute, January 2, 2024 Bovard’s Zestiest Zingers of 2023 by Jim Bovard | 2023 was another godsend for cynics. Here’s a round-up of my zestiest lines from my articles in the past year. Some lines were tweaked for this collection. Hearty thanks to Hunter DeRensis and editors at other outlets who ran those articles […]

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