Tag Archives | Iraq

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Obama and the Death of Idealism

French version Italian version Catalonian version American Conservative, December 3, 2020 Barack Obama and the Death of Idealism Obama’s deception and warmongering killed the “hope and change” he promised on the campaign trail. We shouldn’t be sad to see them go. by  James Bovard Americans are sickened of an “idealism that is oblique, confusing, dishonest, […]

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“Choose Your Liar” Democracy

American Institute for Economic Research, October 22, 2020 “Choose Your Liar” Democracy by James Bovard The final weeks of a presidential campaign is one of the best opportunities to view political perfidy in spectacular colors. While the media lectures Americans about their civic duty to vote to save the nation, the candidates continue conniving nonstop […]

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Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020?

American Institute for Economic Research, October 1, 2020 Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020? James Bovard “People want to be safe,” Joe Biden repeatedly declared in Tuesday night’s debate. The 2020 presidential race could turn into a referendum on whether vastly increasing government power can provide “freedom from fear.” This has been a […]

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Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency?

Daily Caller / American Renewal Can Ending ‘Endless Wars’ Save Trump’s Presidency? Photo by SugaBom86/Shutterstock; Edits by Grae Stafford/DCNF James Bovard Contributor August 13, 2020 9:09 PM ET Four years ago, Donald Trump electrified campaign audiences by denouncing “Trigger Happy Hillary” Clinton. Trump bragged in 2016 that his advisers knew “how to avoid the endless […]

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The Decline of Knockdown Journalism

Somebody was asking about this piece recently so I’m sending it for another lap around the track (or at least the blog).  An editing error in the posted version stated that Hersh won the Pulitzer for his 1972 New Yorker article on the My Lai massacre.  My original submission correctly stated that Hersh won the […]

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A Halo for the Civil War is Hogwash

Libertarian Institute, July 16, 2020 A Halo for the Civil War is Hogwash by James Bovard “If the people who started wars didn’t make them sacred, who would be foolish enough to fight?” said Rhett Butler, the savvy anti-hero in Gone with the Wind. Politicians, activist historians, and social justice warriors have awarded the American […]

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