Tag Archives | Iraq

Biggest Korean War Lesson: Never Trust Pentagon on Atrocities

American Conservative, June 26, 2020 The Korean War Atrocities No One Wants to Talk About For decades they covered up the U.S. massacre of civilians at No Gun Ri and elsewhere. This is why we never learn our lessons. by  Jim Bovard June 25th was the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War. […]

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George W. Bush as Moral Savior? Remember his Lies and Atrocities

Mises Institute, June 4, 2020 The Media Has Conveniently Forgotten George W. Bush’s Many Atrocities by James Bovard Former president George W. Bush has returned to the spotlight to give moral guidance to America in these troubled times. In a statement released on Tuesday, Bush announced that he was “anguished” by the “brutal suffocation” of […]

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Memorial Day: Remember Political Lies that Caused Soldiers to Die

Libertarian Institute, May 25, 2020 Memorial Day: Remembering the Political Lies that Spurred Mass Killing by Jim Bovard | May 25, 2020 On Memorial Day, the media do their usual sacralizing of war. Instead, it should be a day for the ritualized scourging of politicians. During the last 70 years, their lies have resulted in […]

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U.S. Foreign Policy Perpetual Perfidy

U.S. Foreign Policy Perpetual Perfidy by James Bovard February 24, 2020 The Washington establishment was aghast in October when Donald Trump appeared to approve a Turkish invasion of northern Syria. The United States was seen as abandoning the Kurds, some of whom had assisted the United States in the fight against ISIS and other terrorist groups. […]

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War on Terror is Biggest Sham of Our Era

The War on Terror quickly became the greatest political sham of our lifetimes. Politicians exploited the 9/11 attacks to seize boundless power over Americans and much of the world. President Bush invoked the 9/11 attacks to launch an unjust and foolish attack on Iraq, destabilizing the entire Middle East. President Obama provided massive military aid […]

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John McCain’s Disastrous Militaristic Legacy

Future of Freedom Foundation John McCain’s Disastrous Militaristic Legacy by James Bovard When Sen. John McCain passed away in August, he was lauded far and wide for his long career of public service. Rep. John Lewis, the famous civil-rights activist, hailed McCain as a “warrior for peace.” In reality, McCain embodied a toxic mix of […]

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R.I.P., Rep. Walter Jones, a Fearless Fighter for Peace

RIP to Rep. Walter Jones, one of the most courageous and outspoken critics of reckless American foreign policy. He proved that even a congressman is corrigible: he went from a zealot supporter of the Iraq War (and the source of the anti-French “Freedom Fries” moniker) to one of the most savvy critics of the war […]

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