Tag Archives | John Philip Reid


How the Feds Destroyed Equality for D.E.I.

The ‘Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’ Is Anything But… by Jim Bovard | Mar 17, 2025 One of President Donald Trump’s most popular reforms is his executive order abolishing federal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) dictates and their efforts to “socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.” Trump’s order outraged […]

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The “Will of the People” Post-Election Horror Show

The “Will of the People” Post-Election Horror Show By James Bovard On the morning after elections, many voters wake up and instinctively quote Dorothy Parker: “What fresh hell is this?” “Will of the people!” is the correct answer – at least if a Democrat won the election.  Actually, the notion that election results represent the […]

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