WSPD’s Brian Wilson and I had a hoot yesterday flogging hell out of the Patriot Act and its noxious progeny. Dang, hard to believe this stupid act is 10 years old. It has almost outlived my idealism. You can listen to or download the show by clicking here brian-wilson-patriot-act-bash-10-27-2011
Tag Archives | Justice Department
The FBI and
Justin Raimondo has an excellent report today on the FBI’s internal documents on A blogger filed a Freedom of Information Act request and received a trove of FBI documents, some of which detailed official curiosity regarding One of the FBI documents states: ““There are several unanswered questions regarding It describes itself as […]
Latest Patriot Act Frauds and Follies
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today the following piece from the May issue of Freedom Daily – The PATRIOT Act in the Crosshairs Again by James Bovard The most controversial provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act are coming up for renewal this year. There is hope that Americans will finally learn more about […]
MP3 of my Raging Bitch Tribute on Brian Wilson Radio Show
WSPD’s Brian Wilson and I had a rattlin’ good chat yesterday about Declan McCullagh’s excellent article on the House Committee vote to require Internet Service Providers to keep records of every website visited by every customer. While this provision is currently the hobbyhorse of nitwit conservative Republicans, the Obama administration also supports this vast data […]
MP3 of Freedom Fest Panel Flogging the War on Terror
Jacob Hornberger, Sheldon Richman, and I had fun flogging the war on terror during a Freedom Fest panel earlier this month. Since I was the token moderate on the panel, I went third. I started out my riff (@ 20 minutes into the tape) talking about how a TSA agent at Baltimore went berserk over […]
Bush, Torture, and the Rule of Law
from the March issue of Freedom Daily…. Bush, Torture, and the Rule of Law by James Bovard Last November, George W. Bush’s memoir, Decision Points, hit the streets. And Americans could see firsthand the former president bragging about ordering torture. Bush wrote that when he was requested to approve the CIA’s waterboarding of Khalid Sheikh […]
Supreme Court Again Absolves Nation’s Most Dangerous Criminal Class
The Supreme Court ruled today that John Ashcroft cannot be personally sued regardless of the crimes committed against American citizens thanks to his policies as Attorney General. What a crock. On the same theme, Tom Engelhardt has an excellent essay today on “Post-Legal America.”