Tag Archives | Justice Department

Bogus Anti-Terrorist Crackdown on Financial Freedom

posted today by the Future of Freedom Foundation – from the October 2009 issue of Freedom Daily… The Bogus Anti-Terrorist Crackdown on Financial Freedom by James Bovard In the post–9/11 era, federal officials are treating cash as they would a suspected weapon of mass destruction. They have created legions of new restrictions and reporting requirements […]

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The “Terrorist” Batting Average

The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online my article from the June 2007 Freedom Daily on the Bush administration’s endlessly inaccurate terrorist accusations.  The title of the piece is about as close to baseball as I have gotten in the last decade or so. The “Terrorist” Batting Average by James Bovard For almost six years, […]

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Hooray! The Federal Government is Clean Again!

Or at least that’s the message I’m picking up from reading some commentators on Alberto Gonzales’s exit. Shizam, some of these people seem to think that the Justice Department will henceforth be in the justice business. And some seem to think that Gonzo’s resignation proves that “the system works.” What a crock. It has been over […]

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Waco, R.I.P.

Today is the 14th anniversary of the FBI’s finale at Waco. This was the day that 80 civilians died as a result of a tank-and-toxic gas assault.   I thought Waco might be the most important public education lesson of the 1990s, but it seems to have  had scant impact. Most Americans forgot or never undertstood Waco, paving […]

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The 1995 Playboy article on Ruby Ridge

Here’s the piece on Ruby Ridge mentioned in the prior post. The article had magnificent artwork.  Unfortunately, I’m not adept at scanning and inserting the images into a blog. The article closes with the following questions:  “If Congress is not willing to look into such misconduct, who will protect the Constitution? Will Congress let the […]

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A Liberal Reviews Bush Betrayal

The Aging Hipster recently read Bush Betrayal. I’m happy he made it through the book and took the time to put his thoughts on his blog.   He gave me permission to repost it – so here it is.   The Aging Hipster is a self-described “Georgia Mountain Man” and Pittsburgh Steelers fan.  Both those factors mean that, unlike some white-gloved […]

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The Regime Crimes Office

As part of my penance for Lent, I was reading a recent budget briefing for the State Department, tottering on the edge of my chair with each gust of hot air. I came across an intriguing comment by Ambassador James Jeffrey, “the Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Coordinator for Iraq.” He chirped about the Bush […]

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