Tag Archives | Lying

@copyright James Bovard 2007

The Mirage of Honest Government

The Mirage of Honest Government by James Bovard, October 7, 2024 For more than 70 years, America has been on the verge of honest government. In election after election, politicians have promised to finally take this nation to the moral high ground once and for all. In 1952, Dwight Eisenhower captured the presidency based in […]

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‘Trump-Washing’ U.S. History Endangers Our Freedom

‘Trump-Washing’ U.S. History Endangers Our Freedom by James Bovard, October 1, 2024 Kamala Harris seeks to capture the White House with a message built on vaporous “positive vibes” and “joy.” The Harris campaign is bolstering that message by portraying Donald Trump as a deadly peril to democracy unprecedented in American history. The former Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), […]

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Why are Police Entitled to Lie and Slander?

Why are Police Entitled to Lie and Slander? by James Bovard Facebook Twitter Reddit Email    Counterpunch, September 13, 2024 In a presidential race in which both major party candidates are kowtowing to law enforcement, don’t expect any candor about the perils that politicians have unleashed. To serve and protect, police are allowed to slander and […]

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Kamala and the Deadly Perils of Sham Idealism

Kamala and the Deadly Perils of Sham Idealism by James Bovard As the presidential race enters the final stretch, politicians are recycling the usual cons to make people believe this election will be different. At last week’s Democratic National Convention, sham idealism had a starring role, accompanied by ritual denunciations of cynicism. But idealism has […]

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Politicians Will Always Be Shameless Liars

Counterpunch, June 13, 2024 Politicians Will Always  Be Shameless Liars by James Bovard Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair Former president Donald Trump was recently convicted by a New York jury after prosecutors claimed he was guilty of  “hoodwinking” voters in the 2016 election by paying to cover up his boinking a beefy porn star.   Manhattan […]

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