Tag Archives | Mark Twain

The Great Escape from Government Schools?

The Great Escape from Government Schools? by James Bovard, April 3, 2024  Reposted on Zero Hedge After enduring bullshit school shutdowns during the COVID pandemic, many students concluded that school itself must be bullshit and have skipped attending classes. Government bureaucrats are panicking since subsidies are tied to the number of students’ butts in chairs […]

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My 40 Year War on Reefer Madness

My 40 Year War on Reefer Madness by Jim Bovard | June 26, 2023   Libertarian Institute Forty years ago last week, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner published my first attack on the federal drug war. The previous year, the Reagan administration unleashed its “Just Say No” program, vilifying anyone who smoked a joint, sniffed the […]

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Is College Worthwhile? A Two-Time Dropout’s Take

Is College Worthwhile? A Two-Time Dropout’s Take by James Bovard President Biden is tub-thumping for Congress to create new federal handouts to make college free for the vast majority of students. But as Ryan McMaken and other commentators on mises.org have pointed out, college is vastly overpriced and overrated nowadays. My view on college stems […]

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Bitter Belated Afghan Vindication

Bitter Belated Afghan Vindication by James Bovard November 5, 2021 The 20-year U.S. war in Afghanistan ended with a bang in August as a terrorist attack killed a dozen Marines at the Kabul airport. For almost 20 years, The Future of Freedom Foundation has been one of the few organizations that stalwartly criticized the Afghanistan […]

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Rediscovering the Classics Under Quarantine

American Conservative, March 30, 2020 Rediscovering the Classics Under Quarantine by James Bovard Thanks to coronavirus closings in most states, tens of millions of kids are at home for weeks or even the rest of the school year. This is an ideal opportunity to revive the natural love of reading that many young people have […]

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