Tag Archives | media


N.Y. Post: White House orders the media to keep sainting Joe Biden

New York Post, September 13, 2023 White House orders the media to keep sainting Joe Biden By James Bovard The White House has finally made official what it has been implying for more than two years: Any journalist who reports on President Biden’s misdeeds and corruption is betraying American democracy. The latest call for loyalty […]

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N.Y. Post: Biden’s Potemkin Presidency Sham

New York Post, July 26, 2023 Aides and the press have created a Potemkin presidency, hiding if Joe Biden is up to it     Biden Potemkin Presidency Collapse By James Bovard President Biden is merely pretending to do his job. But will the charade collapse before he can finagle another election victory? In czarist Russia, […]

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30 Years Later, Waco is Still Damning

30 Years Later, Waco is Still Damning by Jim Bovard | Apr 18, 2023 Thirty years ago, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas. After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were dug out of the rubble. Unfortunately, […]

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N.Y. Post: Farcical summit won’t save Biden or democracy

New York Post, March 30, 2023 Farcical summit won’t save Biden or democracy by James Bovard Sounding like a Quaalude Savior, President Biden droned to foreign leaders Wednesday about how he’ll rescue world democracy. Suffering from a cold, Biden recited the “inflection point of history” cliché he hustled at the first Summit for Democracy in […]

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Was the Iraq War the Biggest Con of the 21st Century?

Was the Iraq War the Biggest Con of the 21st Century? by Jim Bovard | Mar 23, 2023 The Iraq War was spawned by a deadly combination of political depravity and media complicity. Unfortunately, on the twentieth anniversary of the war, both elements of that conspiracy are being whitewashed.  Instead, politicians and their pundit accomplices […]

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