Tag Archives | New York Times


Will Politicians Revive American Slavery?

Will Politicians Revive American Slavery? by James Bovard In the wake of America’s disastrous Civil War, the Thirteenth Amendment was enacted to prohibit involuntary servitude. Unfortunately, top newspapers, pundits, and think tanks are now campaigning to nullify that prohibition. Apparently, slavery was evil not because of the unjust subjugation but because plantation owners, not politicians, […]

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Is College Worthwhile? A Two-Time Dropout’s Take

Is College Worthwhile? A Two-Time Dropout’s Take by James Bovard President Biden is tub-thumping for Congress to create new federal handouts to make college free for the vast majority of students. But as Ryan McMaken and other commentators on mises.org have pointed out, college is vastly overpriced and overrated nowadays. My view on college stems […]

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Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom

American Institute for Economic Research, August 5, 2021 Pseudo-Omniscience Versus Freedom James Bovard Shut up and submit” is now the favorite Covid cure of some of America’s leading progressives. Paul Krugman, a Nobel Prize winner and New York Times columnist, revealed on Tuesday that since freedom is a mirage, people have no good reason not […]

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My July 4 Satire on Congress – New York Times

July 4th is my Independence Day, regardless of how depraved the government has become. Forty-two years ago, the New York Times printed a satire I wrote on the failure of the All-Volunteer Congress.  Some congressmen wanted to revive the military draft in order to have a higher quality army.  I showed that the same argument could […]

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Pentagon Papers Failed to Stop Media Kowtowing

Mike Gravel passed away on June 26.  He was one of the unsung heroes of the Pentagon Papers, the only U.S. senator who had the courage to champion the Pentagon Papers that destroyed the credibility of American foreign policy. R.I.P. to a politician tough enough to flog Leviathan. Consortium News, June 28, 2021 Pentagon Papers […]

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January 6 Capitol Clash. Photo by Tyler Merber via Wikipedia

The “Conspiracy Theory” Charade

American Conservative, June 24, 2021 The ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Charade How government and media use the phrase to suppress opposition.by by James Bovard Biden’s “National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism” report last week declared that “enhancing faith in American democracy” requires “finding ways to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories.” In recent decades, conspiracy […]

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