Tag Archives | New York Times

40 Years of Pummeling the Postal Service

[the full text of many of the articles mentioned here are posted here] Mises Institute, July 27, 2018 40 Years of Pummeling the Postal Service by James Bovard Today is the 40th anniversary of the publication of my first attack on the Postal Service. “Time to Stamp Out the Postal Monopoly” was the lead article […]

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FFF: Pro-War Media Deserve Criticism, Not Sainthood

Future of Freedom Foundation The Pro-War Media Deserve Criticism, Not Sainthood by James Bovard June 20, 2018 The media nowadays are busy congratulating themselves for their vigorous criticism of Donald Trump. To exploit that surge of sanctimony, Hollywood producer Steven Spielberg rushed out The Post, a movie depicting an epic press battle with the Nixon […]

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Happy 350th Birthday, Jonathan Swift!

Today is the 350th anniversary of the greatest English satirist, Jonathan Swift.   Folks who only know Gulliver’s Travel have missed a goldmine of glorious prose and devastating wit.  If you haven’t read “A Modest Proposal” since school days,  trust me – it is even better when not read under duress. His “Argument Against Abolishing Christianity” is […]

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