Tag Archives | pandemic


Masking America’s Greatest Natural Monuments

American Institute for Economic Research, February 6, 2021 Masking America’s Greatest Natural Monuments James Bovard –The Biden administration just issued an edict that will spur endless pointless conflicts for Americans seeking to peacefully enjoy hundreds of national parks. On Groundhog Day, the National Park Service (NPS) mandated wearing face masks on all National Park Service […]

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Pandemic Security Theater 2021

American Institute for Economic Research, January 15 2021 Pandemic Security Theater James Bovard   After the start of the Covid pandemic, my local Harris Teeter grocery store in Montgomery County, Maryland made extensive changes, including placing eight-foot high plexiglass screens between every one of its nine self-service checkout stations. However, a few months ago, one […]

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USA TODAY: My Recommendations for Biden Covid Policy

USA TODAY asked its Board of Contributors for Covid policy recommendations for Biden. Here are my two cents: Stop the lockdowns and shutdowns Biden should condemn the lockdowns and shutdowns that have caused vast economic and social damage (soaring drug abuse, suicides, depression) while failing to prevent more than 100 million Americans from becoming infected […]

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2020 Ravaged Comforting American Myths

American Institute for Economic Research, December 30, 2020 The Year in which Comforting American Myths Were Ravaged James Bovard Thanks in large part to Covid lockdowns, this year has left vast wreckage in its wake, with ten million jobs lost, more than 100,000 businesses and dozens of national chains bankrupted or closed. Up to 40 […]

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Covid Craziness in LoCo MoCo

American Institute for Economic Research, December 5, 2020 Covid Craziness in LoCo MoCo by James Bovard In August, I reported here on how Montgomery County, Maryland, was seeking to shut down private schools as part of their Covid-19 strategy of abolishing all risk by abolishing all freedom. As more individuals have recently tested positive for […]

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Salem Radio Interview on Pandemic Follies and Election Fraud

Powerline’s John Hinderaker, who was guest-hosting on the Dan Proft show on Salem Radio Network, and I had a lively chat yesterday on pandemic follies and on the proliferating fraud allegations from the 2020 election.    John has 40+ years experience as a litigator, had excellent insights into how the election played out in Minnesota and […]

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Covid and Constitutional Roadkill

American Institute for Economic Research, November 3, 2020 Covid and Constitutional RoadKill James Bovard Is the U.S. Constitution the biggest roadkill on the 2020 campaign trail? Is faith in “American exceptionalism” blinding people to a death spiral of American democracy? According to much of the media, this is a single-issue election: “It’s the pandemic, stupid,” […]

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