Tag Archives | pandemic


Defining Despotism Down

American Institute for Economic Research, October 27, 2020 Defining Despotism Down James Bovard The simultaneous defining down of both democracy and despotism is 2020’s darkest legacy. Voters are recognizing that their ballots merely choose elective dictators who can exempt themselves from the Constitution simply by pronouncing the word “emergency.” At the same time, despotism is […]

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Two Types of Terror in Michigan

American Institute for Economic Research, October 9, 2020 Two Types of Terror in Michigan James Bovard  #StopTrumpsTerror is one of the hottest trending topics on Twitter, with more than 90,000 tweets. Yesterday, the FBI announced the arrest of six people yesterday in a plot (perhaps government-hatched) to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and put her […]

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Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020?

American Institute for Economic Research, October 1, 2020 Will the Pandemic Panic Card Win in 2020? James Bovard “People want to be safe,” Joe Biden repeatedly declared in Tuesday night’s debate. The 2020 presidential race could turn into a referendum on whether vastly increasing government power can provide “freedom from fear.” This has been a […]

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Soldiers with the Montana National Guard perform a COVID-19 screening test for an out of state traveler at the Amtrak Train Station in Shelby, Montana, April 3, 2020. 73 Montana Army and Air National Guard men and women have been activated for State Active Duty by Montana Governor Steve Bullock to screen 17 locations around the state in effort to flatten the curve in Montana. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Brandy Burke)

Pandemic Follies: Tyranny Won’t Keep Us Safe

Pandemic Follies: Tyranny Won’t Keep Us Safe by James Bovard September 30, 2020 ==== Politicians have destroyed more than 13 million jobs this year in a deluge of edicts aimed to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 200,000 Americans still died from the coronavirus, but the anti-COVID government crackdowns probably did far more damage than the […]

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How Joe Biden Embraces Democrats’ Shutdown Insanity

Daily Caller / American Renewal August 29, 2020 How Joe Biden Embraces Democrats’ Shutdown Insanity James Bovard “We’ll have a national mandate to wear a mask — not as a burden but as a patriotic duty to protect one another,” declared Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden at last week’s Democratic National Convention. Biden’s plan to […]

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America’s Newest 0.000008% Dictator

American Institute for Economic Research, August 7, 2020 Deceit and Demagoguery in Montgomery County, Maryland James Bovard Across the nation, politicians and bureaucrats have invoked the COVID pandemic to seize dictatorial power to ban activities they disapprove. One of the most brazen examples recently occurred in super-lefty Montgomery County (MoCo), Maryland, where local health czar […]

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