Tag Archives | podcast


Brian Wilson is Back! July 4th Two & Only Podcast

Brian Wilson returns behind the microphone to make it hot for politicians, Hollywood, and anyone who competes in hot dog eating contests on July 4th.   His passionate opening monologue left nothing unscathed inside the Beltway. We had fun smacking around Biden’s censorship regime, torpedoed by a federal court injunction earlier this week. You can listen […]

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Tom Woods

Thumping Biden Corruption on the Tom Woods Podcast

Bestselling libertarian author Tom Woods and I had a rollicking takedown of Joe Biden’s corruption on Tom’s podcast.  Will the Biden family escape justice again? Will Trump be convicted of espionage? Will Americans’ faith in govt. be restored? OK, probably not, but still some good laughs in this interview.   The times keep getting harder […]

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Painting the Debt Ceiling with the Brian Wilson Podcast

Brian Wilson and I had fun hammering Congress for their shiftless sellout on the federal debt ceiling negotiations.  Also paid homage to the FBI and its 278,000 warrantless wiretap victims (you know who you are even if the feds won’t disclose). You can listen to the podcast by clicking here or https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-two-and-only-brian-wilson-and-james-bovard/id1638506178?i=1000615202210or

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Slicing and Dicing the Durham Report with Brian Wilson Podcast

From the BrianWilsonWrites substack: ” Author, journalist and NY Post harpooner, Jim Bovard and I take our shots at the Durham Report following Jim’s blockbuster NY Post piece and interview with Mayor-Not-Talk-Show Host, Rudy Giuliani in this latest episode of the Two and Only! ” Here are the links to the Apple, Google, Spotify, & […]

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My Sordid Bribery History, Biden Scandals, and Mis-Jabbed Nurses – Brian Wilson Podcast

From the BrianWilsonWrites substack: “Indeed a rare Two and Only podcast wherein Jim Bovard actually displays more faith in the House Oversight Committee’s Biden investigation than Brian Wilson! Hear this strange and usual conversation – and the deep background on Jim Bovard’s successful but little-known Kent cigarette Romanian distributorship!” Listen to the podcast at this […]

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