If a government official lies to you, it’s public service. If you lie to them, it’s a felony. From my recent Mises Institute spiel. Thanks to Frank Monaco for making the jpeg! And here’s the speech where I tossed out those lines –

“A lie that is accepted by a sufficient number
of ignorant voters becomes a political truth.”
If a government official lies to you, it’s public service. If you lie to them, it’s a felony. From my recent Mises Institute spiel. Thanks to Frank Monaco for making the jpeg! And here’s the speech where I tossed out those lines –
Here’s a few quote jpegs from my USA Today oped, “Woodrow Wilson Made Democracy Unsafe for the World” – I welcome suggestions on improving this and other quote jpegs. Thanks again to Canva.com for their software for laying out the type & background.
Here’s a collection of my quotes that other folks have recently crafted into JPEGs and put onto the web. I really appreciate that! I don’t know the names of most of the quote artists – “Paulius J.” is the creator of some of the larger quotes with dramatic backgrounds.