From the Conclusion chapter, Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty: “Each lost freedom becomes a domino falling against all the remaining rights and liberties. Secrecy and censorship spur a deadly political spiral. If the media is cowed into silence or turned into political accomplices, citizens are unlikely to learn of proliferating abuses. If there […]
Tag Archives | Secrecy
N.Y. Post: Latest Biden coverup — 5,400 emails he sent under secret names
New York Post, August 29, 2023 Latest Biden coverup — 5,400 emails he sent under secret names by James Bovard In Washington, conning the American people is always considered a victimless crime. The latest DC shellshocker is the National Archives blocking release of 5,000+ emails Vice President Joe Biden wrote using a pseudonym to shroud […]
N.Y. Post: Trump indictment shows federal secrecy gone wild makes political lies — like Biden’s — harder to uncover
New York Post, June 13, 2023 Trump indictment shows federal secrecy gone wild makes political lies — like Biden’s — harder to uncover by James Bovard Former President Donald Trump was indicted last week on 37 federal charges tied to his possession and mishandling of classified documents. Critics assert Trump betrayed his oath to uphold […]
N.Y. Post: Washington throws a pity party for federal censors finally being investigated
New York Post, June 8, 2023 Washington throws a pity party for federal censors finally being investigated by James Bovard Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the pious masthead motto The Washington Post adopted in the Trump era. But in the Biden era, the Post sees censorship as the salvation of self-government. Censorship requires secrecy to […]
Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy
Snowden and the Fight for American Privacy by James Bovard Edward Snowden did heroic service in awakening Americans to Washington ravishing their privacy. Snowden’s “reward” is to be banished in Russia without a snowball’s chance in hell of a fair trial if he returns to America. But as he courageously declared, “I would rather be […]
Biden’s Atrocious Assange Prosecution
Biden’s Atrocious Assange Prosecution by James Bovard April 17, 2023 “A confident government that is unafraid of the truth embraces a free press,” proclaimed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. But he was referring only to the Chinese government crackdown on Hong Kong journalists early last year. Unfortunately, the Biden administration continues rushing to destroy one […]
Endangering Washington’s Divine Right to Deceive
Mises Institute, April 17, 2023 Endangering Washington’s Divine Right to Deceive by James Bovard Do Americans have the right to know if the $100 billion in their tax dollars that the Biden administration is delivering to Ukraine is being wasted? No, according to the U.S. Congress – which recently voted against creating an Inspector General […]