Tag Archives | Sopko


Trump Should End All Foreign Aid and Sham Democracy Promotions – My Interview with Georgian Public TV

Will President Trump end America’s corrupt foreign aid program and democracy promotion con games?  Levan Akhalaia, a reporter with Georgian Public Broadcasting,  and I had a lively conversation on that topic last week. Mr. Akhalaia has shown a lot of courage condemning brutal police attacks on protestors in recent times.  Below is a rough translation […]

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jpb quote biden era competence

Biden’s “Burn-Rate” Rescue Act

American Institute for Economic Research, March 17, 2021 Biden’s “Burn-Rate” Rescue Act James Bovard In the Biden era, federal competence has been defined down to mailing government checks to people who didn’t earn them to buy votes for politicians who don’t deserve them. A Washington Post headline whooped that Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act “showers […]

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The Hill: Your Tax Dollars Fund Afghan Child Rape

 The Hill, December 3, 2017 Your tax dollars fund Afghan child rape by James Bovard Americans are rightly outraged over revelations that Congress spent $17 million since 1997 to pay off and muzzle victims of congressional sexual misconduct and other abuses. But the U.S. government has spent vastly more effectively bankrolling far more worse sexual […]

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