Tag Archives | Soviet Bloc

ADN-ZB-Stöhr-4.12.1961-In der Nacht vom 3. zum 4.12.1961 wurde begonnen, an weiteren Abschnitten die Staatsgrenze der DDR zu Westberlin zu festigen. Auf unserem Foto die Panzersperre am Kontrollpunkt Friedrichstraße.

My First East Berlin Escapade

MY FIRST EAST BERLIN ESCAPADE By James Bovard This is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall – one of the most glorious moments in the modern history of freedom.  I first passed through that wall while hitchhiking around Europe in the summer of 1977. After camping in West German woods within […]

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FFF: Red-Green Delusions on Soviet Bloc History

Red-Green Delusions on Soviet-Bloc History by James Bovard February 28, 2018 The New York Times is running a series of “Red Century” articles extolling some of the virtues of communism on the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Last August, the Times showcased a Yale University lecturer rhapsodizing about the Soviets’ environmental record in a […]

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Daily Hell of Life in the Soviet Bloc

Mises Institute, November 20, 2017 The Daily Hell of Life in the Soviet Bloc by James Bovard This month is the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party’s seizure of power in Petrograd, Russia. British Guardian columnist Paul Mason recent declared that the Soviet revolution provided “a beacon to the rest of humanity, no matter how […]

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