New York Post, November 10, 2022 The biggest winners of the midterms: cynics who don’t expect better governance By James Bovard Cynics had another great Election Day on Tuesday. Expectations of a vast red wave became little more than scattered sightings of Democratic road kill. President Joe Biden took a “no red wave” victory lap […]
Tag Archives | student loan bailout

Biden’s Covid Emergency is a Dictatorial Abuse
New York Post, October 15, 2022 President Biden keeps the COVID ‘emergency’ going so he can act like a dictator By James Bovard The Biden administration proclaimed Thursday that America’s COVID “emergency” continues. Yet last month President Biden told “60 Minutes”: “The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing […]

Bashing Covid Fraud & Lockdowns on Chicago Morning Answer Radio
I was on the Chicago Morning Answer AM560 Radio Show this morn with Dan Proft and Amy Jacobson, smacking around the Covid fraud stampede. The interview was spurred by my New York Post piece earlier this week. Amy Jacboson asked: Is there any chance that we will get any of the $600 billion stolen back?” […]

New York Post: How $600 billion was stolen from the American people
New York Post, October 3, 2022 How $600 billion was stolen from the American people By James Bovard “COVID fraud” is at this point a redundant phrase. Congress appropriated more than $5 trillion for COVID relief but almost $600 billion may have been lost to fraud — an astounding 12%. Washington’s pandemic pratfalls are the […]

New York Post: Dictator in chief Biden’s ‘extreme’ hypocrisy
New York Post, September 3, 2022 Dictator in chief Biden’s ‘extreme’ hypocrisy By James Bovard President Biden made history Thursday night with the first prime-time presidential speech with a backdrop inspired by the movie “V for Vendetta” and Nazi filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl. The harsh red atmospherics perfectly complemented Biden’s attempt to portray ex-President Donald Trump […]