Tag Archives | Terrorism

FBI: “A Stasi for America”

Following is a review essay I wrote for the American Conservative – A Stasi for America By James Bovard A ripple of protest swept across the Internet in late March after the disclosure that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was teaching its agents that “the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law […]

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Paranoia Vindicated? Uncle Sam’s Plan to Retain Your Personal Info

This is a great day for the paranoid. Attorney General Eric Holder today approved federal agencies retaining the info they vacuum up on innocent Americans. Your dossier just got thicker. Or perhaps the only real “change” is that the government is admitting what it has long been doing. From the New York Times article on […]

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C-SPAN Booknotes: Terrorism & Tyranny (2003 transcript)

I came across this transcript this morning and figured it was worth sending around the track one more time. You can watch the video from this interview here – Brian Lamb’s views come through more clearly on tape than in the transcript. One of my favorite comments he made: “Well, your sense of humor — […]

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Dying to Corrupt Afghanistan

from the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Daily (posted online today) Dying to Corrupt Afghanistan by James Bovard American soldiers are dying so that Afghan politicians can continue looting U.S. tax dollars. Foreign aid has long been notorious for creating kleptocracies — governments of thieves. The $50+ billion foreign aid that the United States has […]

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Another FBI Terrorist Trainer Bites the Dust

Today’s Washington Post reports details on a guy who the FBI hired to provide expert anti-terrorism training: William G. Hillar billed himself as a hero and a patriot, a 28-year veteran of the Army Special ­Forces who shared his knowledge of counterterrorism by holding training sessions for federal agents and local police. The 66-year-old Millersville […]

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MP3 of Freedom Fest Panel Flogging the War on Terror

Jacob Hornberger, Sheldon Richman, and I had fun flogging the war on terror during a Freedom Fest panel earlier this month. Since I was the token moderate on the panel, I went third. I started out my riff (@ 20 minutes into the tape) talking about how a TSA agent at Baltimore went berserk over […]

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