The Department of Homeland Security has warned landlords in the DC area “to be looking out for the radicalized individual,” according to Peggy Jeffers, of the Apartment and Office Building Association of Metropolitan Washington Inc. DHS sent out the warning to apartment and building managers on Sunday evening, the same time that Obama announced Osama’s […]
Tag Archives | Terrorism
Video – My CPAC Patriot Act Bash (and Jacob Hornberger’s Speech)
FFF “Repeal the PATRIOT Act!” Roundtable from CPAC 2011 from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo. Here’s the video from Saturday’s CPAC forum, sponsored by Campaign for Liberty. Ivan Eland did an excellent job of moderating. My speech was probably about 15 minutes. Hornberger followed and gave the best speech I have ever seen […]

Our Know-Nothing Foreign Policy
From January 2011, my American Conservative review of Derek Leebaert’s Magic and Mayhem. Worst and Brightest Review of Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan, Derek Leebaert, Simon & Schuster, 336 pages By James Bovard In the decades since John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, foreign-policy experts have become Washington’s leading […]
JFK+50: Our Know-Nothing Foreign Policy
I received a copy of the March issue of the American Conservative in the mail today. Here are some brief outtakes from a book review (totaling @ 2000 words) I wrote in that issue on the general theme of Our Know-Nothing Foreign Policy : *In the decades since John F. Kennedy’s inauguration, foreign policy experts […]
Our New Terrorist-Tainted House Homeland Security Committee Chief
Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is the new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. This dude knows all about terrorism, since he has spent decades doing big-time fundraising for the Irish Republican Army. Muckraker/hell-raiser/freedom-fighter Will Grigg has an excellent piece on King’s hypocrisy on today.
Why the Tea Party Should Despise George W. Bush
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today this article from the September issue of Freedom Daily – (also on Counterpunch) Why the Tea Party Should Despise George W. Bush by James Bovard The Tea Party movement is challenging politicians and political establishments in many parts of this country. Many Tea Party supporters define themselves […]
Obama: 9/11 Made Us Stronger
from the new book of White House insiders’ leaks to a Washington journalist – 9/11 worked out great for Leviathan and the political class, but it has been hell on the freedoms and taxpayers of America.