Tag Archives | Torture

Torture and Political Science

Amazing how few political scientists responded to the last 5 years of revelations about torture by the U.S. government. But perhaps this merely continues that profession’s perennial habit of ignoring the dark side of Leviathan. British historian Thomas Macaulay noted in his 1837 essay on Francis Bacon that “he who first treated legislation as a […]

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Celebrate Torture Day by Punishing Torturers

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out this email today….. Celebrate Torture Day by Punishing Torturers by James Bovard, June 23, 2009 Since 1997, every June 26 has been formally recognized as the International Day of Support for Victims of Torture. Political leaders around the globe take the occasion to proclaim their opposition to […]

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The Latest Torture Coverup Scam

The Future of Freedom Foundation is shotgunning out an oped I wrote on the latest torture coverup. Alas, this subject continues to be hell on idealists. ***** The Latest Torture Cover-Up Scam by James Bovard, June 10, 2009 The Obama administration appears increasingly devoted to covering up the worst crimes of the Bush era. On […]

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Supreme Court Justice Aids Torture Coverup

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Ginsburg approved an Obama administration request to have an additional 30 days to submit their appeal to justify suppressing the photos of US troops torturing detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan. The administration can now dally until July 9 before submitting their brief arguing their case. This is simply one more layer […]

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Obama’s Torture Coverup

Does President Obama have a vested interest in covering up the crimes of the Bush administration? His decision to block the release of photos of U.S. troops abusing detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan is a reminder that the nation may still be running on “Cheney time.” As long as the photos are not released, former […]

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The Real Victims of the Torture Scandal

Instapundit Glenn Reynolds debunks the torture scandal once and for all. In a post entitled “PELOSI LIED, THE WATERBOARDING ISSUE DIED,” Reynolds declares that “the torture issue was mostly a political tool designed to cow right-leaning members of the punditocracy by calling them Nazis. Now that it’s not needed so much, it can be allowed […]

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