Tim O’Regan has the perfect response to the Establishment media’s groveling to the tortured confession and the redacted transcript out of Gitmo. O’Regan reveals that KSM and his look-alike, porn star Ron Jeremy, are the “Hairy Brothers of Destruction.” O’Regan reveals: KSM supplied a type-written note that listed all of the crimes the duo is responsible […]
Tag Archives | Torture
My Time in the Tower of London
The Future of Freedom Foundation today posted online an article of mine from the December Freedom Daily. I posted an excerpt of this piece here earlier; here is the full text. MY TIME IN THE TOWER OF LONDON by James Bovard I visited the Tower of London in May on an overcast, dreary Friday afternoon. […]
Bush Brings Medieval Justice to America
The Bush administration has been shockingly clear regarding its intentions to medievalize American justice. The memos vindicating torture written by high-ranking Bush administration officials should have woken up all Americans to the rising peril. Unfortunately, the memos have gotten far less attention than they deserve. This article, posted today by the Future of Freedom Foundation, ran […]
Lively Interview Online – Torture, Iran, Dictatorship, etc.
Antiwar.com columnist Scott Horton interviwed me today for an hour about Attention Deficit Democracy. We had a good ol’ time – I hope folks get lots of laughs from the show. Scott, who has done some excellent writing on the danger of war with Iran, had excellent observations on the latest developments in the Middle […]
March on Washington this Saturday (Jan. 27)
This Saturday should see the biggest antiwar demonstration in Washington since September 2005. Details here. I will be heading down to the big show. When I go to these events, I tend to saunter more than march, savoring the circus elements of these festivities and spending lots of time on the periphery. Stopping Bush from expanding […]
The Torturous Servility of Washington Think Tanks
The Globalist posted an article of mine today contrasting the courage of Washington vs. New York organizations. Washington vs. New York: Wonks vs. Courage Washington has long had a reputation as being the place for serious political thinkers. By contrast, New York was seen as a place where people go to earn bushels of money. Yet, the reaction […]
Radio LIVE ONLINE Wed. (11/15) 10:30 am Charles Goyette Show
Got a call this afternoon from Charles Goyette, who heard about my terrorist behavior on the Washington subway and wanted to get me on the air before they take me away. I will be on his show 10:30 AM Eastern time Wednesday (11/14). Charles is one of the best libertarian hosts in the country; his political courage […]