The Washington Post today details how the Bush administration is desperately scrambling to get Congress to pass a law to retroactively legalize torture. OK, this is not exactly what the Post said — they would not be so ill-mannered towards the government. But the Supreme Court’s decision last month declaring that the Bush order on […]
Tag Archives | Torture
My hit on Bush’s Dictatorial Signing Statements
The American Conservative posted here my hit on Bush’s dictatorial signing statements. Here’s the lead of the piece: “For generations, Republican politicians have spoken reverently of the rule of law. But since 2001, this hoary doctrine has been redefined to mean little more than the enforcement of the secret thoughts of the commander in chief. […]
Fan Letter of the Week: “Thy Name is Cowardice”
Email Subject line: James Bovard, thy name is Cowardice “Five to seven million Iraqis disappeared, the majority of them Shiites.” – National Geographicmagazine, June 2004, page 28More to the point, WHO is doing the majority of the killing of Iraqi civilians?(HINT: It is NOT Americans. Can you say “Suicide Bombers”? Or how about “Islamofascist Hit […]
Bush Now Entitled to Kill at Home?
The February 13 issue of Newsweek reveals that President Bush is entitled to order killings here in the United States, the same as he has been doing around the globe for the last few years. Newsweek notes that, “Steven Bradbury, acting head of the Justice department’s Office of Legal Counsel [the office which in 2002 […]
Did Bush Personally Choose Torture Methods?
The Washington Post has another excellent piece today on how the Bush administration exempted the CIA from the Rule of Law after 9/11. Bush issued edicts permitting the CIA “to maintain secret prisons abroad” and “to use interrogation methods that some lawyers say violate international treaties,” among other new powers. John Radsan, assistant general counsel […]