Tag Archives | TSA


Needed: #MeToo for Political Consent

Mises Institute, November 1, 2018 We Need a #MeToo Movement for Political Consent by James Bovard The #MeToo movement is spurring millions of Americans to reconsider the meaning of consent in sexual relations. But there is another realm where far too much has been presumed because of often token gestures. Political consent is defined radically […]

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Podcast: My Latest Brawl with the TSA

Here’s the story of my latest security checkpoint clash with those fine public servants from the Transportation Security Administration.  I filed a formal request for a video of that patdown six months ago. But TSA treats the Freedom of Information Act like the F**k Off Information Act and they are ignoring their legal duty to […]

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USA TODAY: TSA Must End Sexual Abuse of Female Travelers

USA TODAY, October 15, 2018 Believe women: Apply Congress’ Christine Blasey Ford test to TSA’s female victims by James Bovard Do members of Congress care about any sexual assault that does not permit them to politically grandstand? Hold TSA agents responsible for assaults. In the uproar over Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Supreme Court nominee […]

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Supreme Court: The Dog That Didn’t Bark

Mises Institute, September 26, 2018 The Supreme Court: The Dog that Didn’t Bark by James Bovard The furor over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is spurring many commentators to bewail that the Supreme Court has become too powerful. But the real problem is that the Court is now often little more than a fig leaf […]

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Podcast: Obama’s Forgotten Constitutional Depredations

Barack Obama is rapidly ascending to sainthood as people forget the sordid details of his abuses of power. Here’s a podcast to revive his record, produced for the Future of Freedom Foundation. Thanks again to Bart Frazier for cleaning up the video & posting it. “Bureaucratic bulldozing? Groping TSA agents? Federal secrecy and aggressive prosecution […]

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USA TODAY: Obama Fueled the Cynicism He Now Denounces

USA TODAY, September 13, 2018 Barack Obama’s return just reminds us how he fueled the distrust that led to Donald Trump by James Bovard, Opinion columnist Who cares if Obama belatedly cheers for transparency and accountability? He should admit that he made the government more dangerous at home and abroad. Former president Barack Obama is back. […]

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Podcast: Are We All Terrorist Suspects Now?

Here’s my first solo podcast, produced for the Future of Freedom Foundation.  Thanks to Bart Frazier for hammering out some of the kinks in the video file. The definitions of terrorist suspects have multiplied like rabbits since the 9/11 attacks 17 years ago today.   Here’s a 7 minute rundown of some bizarre standards the government […]

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