Tag Archives | Washington Post

@copyright James Bovard 2007

Truth is the Biggest Threat to DC ‘Democracy’

Libertarian Institute, December 18, 2023 Truth is the Biggest Threat to DC ‘Democracy’ by Jim Bovard In Washington, truth is reckoned as the greatest enemy of democracy. Hard facts are deadly threats to a president’s prerogative to define reality and impose “the will of the people.” Early this year, Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old Massachusetts Air […]

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Kissinger and My Interstate 81 Epiphany

  Kissinger and my Interstate 81 Epiphany By James Bovard Henry Kissinger died last week.  So far, I’ve been handling my grief pretty well. Kissinger was the most esteemed war criminal in American history. Kissinger, who was Nixon’s National Security Advisor,  summarized Nixon’s order for  bombing Cambodia; “Anything that flies on everything that moves.” In […]

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N.Y. Post: Washington Post does Biden’s bidding, trying to wave away Hunter’s corruption

New York Post, November 21, 2023 Washington Post does Biden’s bidding, trying to wave away Hunter’s corruption by James Bovard Kleenex sales may have shattered records in the DC metropolitan area this weekend thanks to The Washington Post’s nearly 5,000-word pity party for Hunter Biden. The Post revealed that “Hunter’s relationship with his own last […]

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CARTOON IRAQ toles06152014

The Iraq War Was a Systematic Atrocity

The Iraq War Was a Systematic Atrocity by James Bovard Media coverage of the twentieth anniversary of the start of the Iraq War mostly portrayed the war as a blunder. There were systematic war crimes that have largely vanished into the memory hole, but permitting government officials to vaporize their victims paves the way to […]

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Celebrate Fourth of July by Cussing Politicians

Celebrating Independence Day with the @LibertarianInst-itute's @QuinnDriggs1 and @JimBovard pic.twitter.com/fqvnWkQZFW — Scott Horton (@scotthortonshow) July 3, 2023 Libertarian Institute, July 3, 2023 Celebrate Fourth of July by Cussing Politicians by James Bovard America was founded by rowdy folks who enjoyed nothing better than applying tar and feathers to British tax collectors. For a couple centuries, […]

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