Now Online: MP3 of Brian Wilson Interview + Ron Paul Update

Today’s interview with Brian Wilson is now online. Click here to listen or download the MP3.

We had a good ol’ time; Brian revealed the best Merlot to go with bratwurst.

Ron Paul came up.  I stressed again, as I have indicated often on this blog, that Ron Paul is a great congressman.  He shows great courage and has withstood more gale-force winds that just about anybody else on the Hill.   He has done stalwart work against the War Machine in the House of Representatives.

I have noticed that many commentors here and on the blog were outraged that I said Ron Paul dropped out.

The video announcement Paul posted last night was poorly written.  One commentor angrily declared that I should “Please quit spreading falsehoods. Admit the ambiguity of what he said in the video…”

So Ron Paul supporters are supposed to sift his videos for signs of ambiguity?

This afternoon, Ron Paul’s spokesman told CNN that Paul was ending his presidential bid.


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19 Responses to Now Online: MP3 of Brian Wilson Interview + Ron Paul Update

  1. W. Baker March 7, 2008 at 11:09 pm #


    It’s a sorry, dare I say, pitiful end, to wonderful man who flashed in the pan as well as anyone in my short lifetime. I was heavily emotionally and financially invested in the Paul campaign, but, alas, he didn’t make it.

    My hat’s off to him for his valiant stand – all these years – for freedom.

    Let’s regroup and put our best foot forward next time around. Meanwhile, hold on to your f***ing seat. It’s about to get crazy!

    And, cheers to you Jim. You’ve done a much greater part than the rest of us Monday-morning quarterbacks who are seemingly content to bitch and fuss without much contribution!

  2. Brian Wilson March 8, 2008 at 6:56 am #

    Always a hoot – and an instructional one for listeners – when Jim Bovard alley-oops/slam-dunks the consequences of tyranny and the realities of Freedom for the audience! Now if I can just find some C-4 that works on ear wax, we just might make some real progress…

    Ditto W.B above. Yank the Bitter Triplets – Coulda, Shoulda and Woulda – and press on. Thanks to Paul, Aggressive Ignorance took one on the chin this time.

    Note re “Merlot” and bratwurst: I believe I said “Old Merde” – not Merlot – was the wine of choice. Since you steadfastly maintained “Pale Stale Ale”, I deferred to your greater experience in such mattters.

    The winner of the last copy for ADD was most appreciative. Hopefully, all those who were holding off buying to win a copy will now flood B&N.

    Already looking forward to your next.

  3. Mace Price March 8, 2008 at 9:14 am #

    …Jimmy: How’bout yew up’n run fer Prezdent in 2012? I’ll be yore Caimpaign Manager.

  4. Jim March 8, 2008 at 9:49 am #

    Mace – thanks for the kind offer.

    But, under the terms of my parole, I’m not allowed to re-enter Iowa, so I would have to miss the first big contest of the presidential race. And that would be put me too far behind the other candidates, so…

  5. Jim March 8, 2008 at 9:51 am #

    Wes – thanks for the kind words.

    Paul is not finished yet on the political scene. He can still have a positive impact as a congressman.

  6. Jim March 8, 2008 at 9:57 am #

    Brian – “C4 for Ear Wax”?

    Has the Department of Homeland Security heard about your pursuit of this panacea?

  7. George Dance March 8, 2008 at 10:10 am #

    I remember once our PM, Kim Campbell, saying (s/t like) election campaigns are no time to discuss complex issues. That was in the middle of a campaign, in which she was defeated and ended with 2 seats, so there may be some truth to it.

    Paul didn’t drop out; he “wound down” his campaign. What does that mean? First, that he’s almost out of money; he had only $6 million on hand Jan. 1, but spent all that through Super Tuesday. All he has is what’s left of the $6 million he’s raised this year. There won’t be much more; his donor base hasn’t dried up so much as fractured. For sure there won’t be any more big money bombs. Second, McCain may be out of money; he may be subject to FEC guidelines, and may have exceeded them – it’s moot, as the FEC has too many vacancies for a definitive ruling.
    So, no money, no campaign. But Paul is still on the ballot; and I expect his totals to start going up. (I can’t see McCain getting 95% votes, can you?). It’ll just be campaigning under other guises; the first one, I’m expecting, will be a book tour when “The Revolution” comes out.

  8. Mace Price March 8, 2008 at 3:20 pm #

    …Trust me Jimmy, after 4 to 8 years of McCain; a sizable proportion of the electorate won’t be worried about your Parole Status.

  9. Dirk W. Sabin March 8, 2008 at 3:53 pm #

    8 years of “I can Feel yer pain” Bubba and then 8 years of “Yer Gonna Feel my Pain” Bushdopensis I and what we have here is more a Giant Pain Clinic than a lapsed Republic. 1992-2008, The American Axis of Pain.

    If one runs on a platform of Small Government, non-intervention, protection of civil liberties and anti-FED during a period when:
    1. The Government is stuck in Fat Camp
    2.Interventionism has produced strategic disaster
    3.The President , without a hint of irony or embarrassment demands that Congress grant immunity to Telelcom Companies for spying on the citizen
    4. The FED pretty well looks to have given us a lesson on why it’s dangerous

    and yet still his campaign can’t get out of the minus 10% territory……well, one wonders when he could ever get elected and if elected, what good might it do?

    No, the lapsed Republic will now stage an elaborate Mexican Wrestling Match to the bitter end.

    Mr. Paul is a great guy, a stalwart champion of what we need now but the lapsed-Republic is addicted to pain killers and aint going to wise up til it has to go cold turkey which, come to find out, these reckless ijits are sure to get us there soon enough.

    But I mean this in only the nicest way.

  10. alpowolf March 8, 2008 at 5:45 pm #

    If Dr. Paul made any progress at all in waking up at least a few silly people it was worth it. That’s the real battleground, anyway, not the “election”–which is more fake than a “reality show”.

  11. Mace Price March 9, 2008 at 12:07 am #

    …Sure he woke some people up; trouble is they all rolled over and went back to sleep…Past that, what do you crazy bastards think of the term: “LOS BOVARDISTOS?”

  12. Ryan March 9, 2008 at 1:11 am #


    Enjoyed it. The comment about Clinton and chastity was spot on and describes the fools who thought McCain was an antiwar candidate. It is appropriate for them to board the Straight Jacket Express. It is good to see that you and Brian are familiar with the late Dr. Francis’ writings. For the benefit of the others who may not be familiar with the term “anarcho-tyranny” here’s the definition written by Sam Francis on 24/11/03 in one of his columns:

    “Mr. [Bob] Barr’s words are almost a definition of the system of government I have called “anarcho-tyranny”: a combination of anarchy (in which legitimate government functions—like spying on the bad guys or punishing real criminals—are not performed) and tyranny (in which government performs illegitimate functions—like spying on the good guys or criminalizing innocent conduct like gun ownership and political dissent).”

    Brian, you have a fine show and a fine wit. You and Charles Goyette are the exception to my belief that most talk radio is neocon idiotcy, just 95% of it.

  13. Dirk W. Sabin March 10, 2008 at 10:16 am #

    The Macer has suggested “Los Bovardistos and in as much as it is never a good sign when libertarian political movements name themselves after a single individual , I might suggest a variation on Castro’s Baseball Team name “El Barbudos” or “The Beards”

    As we are unabashedly crazy, might I suggest “El Barbudo Loco” ? It would seem to play better than El Barbudo Barracho

  14. Jim March 10, 2008 at 11:35 am #

    Dirk – another drawback of people calling themselves “Bovardistos” is that it could result in a sentencing enhancement. You can’t trust federal prosecutors with this kind of thing.

  15. Jim March 10, 2008 at 11:37 am #

    Mace – thanks for the suggested label –

    …but I earned my D’s in high school Spanish fair and square, so any Spanish label is verboten.

  16. Dirk W. Sabin March 10, 2008 at 4:00 pm #

    “Sentencing enhancement”….I like it , sounds kinder gentler like “Compassionate Conservative.”

  17. Jim March 10, 2008 at 8:25 pm #

    Is there a difference?

    Maybe that’s one of those trick questions that only a Wiz kid who scored almost perfectly on their SAT – like Eliot Spitzer – can answer.

  18. The Infamous Oregon Lawhobbit March 11, 2008 at 9:53 am #

    Now now now, let’s not pick on Eliot. Knowing how committed he was to “rooting out” crime, maybe he was just part of…heh…an “undercover sting operation.” Maybe. 😀

  19. Peter March 16, 2008 at 1:23 pm #

    Good grief. We in New York have been delivered from the devil incarnate only to have his henchman take power.