269 And Trying Harder

I want to heartily thank all the folks who have perused here or linked here in the past few months.

Wikio compiles a ranking of English language political blogs.  The latest Wikio ranking is now posted on the upper left hand corner of this blog.  Thanks to y’all, this blog came in at 269 in the latest tally, in the top few hundred of English language political blogs.

I can’t vouch for their algorithms, but it was a choice of putting up a button for Wikio or a “Libertarians for Palin” logo.

Here is Wikio’s explanation on the rankings:

The position of a blog in the Wikio ranking depends on the number and weight of the incoming links from other blogs. These links are dynamic, which means that they are backlinks or links found within articles.

Blogrolls are not taken into account and Wikio only counts links from the last 120 days. We thus hope to provide a classification more representative of trends in the blogosphere.

Moreover, the weight of a link depends on the linking blog’s position in the Wikio ranking. With our algorithm, the weight of a link from a top blog is greater than that of a link from a blog that is less well ranked.

Our rankings also include Top Blogs for several categories: Technology, Politics, etc. New categories will be added on a regular basis.

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