Congratulations to everyone raising hell about the TSA. When the New York Times Business Section has to notice the hubbub, the issue has traction.
“Americans cannot expect to have good presidents
if presidents are permitted to make
themselves czars.”
Congratulations to everyone raising hell about the TSA. When the New York Times Business Section has to notice the hubbub, the issue has traction.
If I’m not mistaken, the guy getting the enhanced happy-ending hand slide pat-down is Emmett Tyrrell. It sure looks like him. I understand he tips those TSA guys very well.
Personally, I’m latex intolerant. So, I’m going to opt in for the free porno-scans. I’m hoping I can buy some of the shots so I can e-mail them to DHS hottie Janet Napolitano. I’m hoping to hook up with her because I hear she’ll do the hand slide with no gloves. Sweet.
Now that she will have to fly commercial instead of commandeering a plush Air Force ride, I’ll pay real FRNs for a pic of Nancy Pelosi getting the Full Monty treatment.
Hint: You’ll find her at Southwest Airlines check-in because….wait for it…Bags Fly Free.
Tom, I’ll put in a good word for ya the next time I have lunch with Janet.
Brian, seriously – somebody has to be keeping a lot of those pics…. and they will out, eventually.
Don’t put with ANY of this BS! Boycott Flying COMPLETELY, until sanity returns! Please join us:
The TSA met with the airlines last week. Their stategy will be simple — they will only ask for “random” scans/pat-downs when the source of a detection by the metal detector cannot be located — as the rules allow. Minimized selection will mean temporarily minimized humiliation.
After next Wednesday they will go back to scrotal grabbing/porno-scan and report that travel went smoothly.
Brian W. – you don’t think Nancy will just go back to using her own broom, with an escort of flying monkeys?
Like Rust, Incrementalism never sleeps.
Like Rust, Incrementalism never sleeps.
I love the fairytale that the “new majority” in the House is going to “fix everything”.
Wouldn’t Ron Paul’s suggestion to boycott the airlines lead to AFS (Airline Failure Syndrome) and – being too big to fail – necessitate a Bail Out and the nationlization of the airlines cum GM, banks, insurance,food, health, etc ad nauseam?
C’mon – let’s get it started/over with. All this Revolutionary Foreplay is getting boring.
Brian, that’s a great line on incrementalism. You need to pull a bevy of your best lines together & put them on your website.
Revolutionary Foreplay? That’s different than Rubik’s Cube Foreplay, right?