Credo from Attention Deficit Democracy

This is the fifth anniversary of the roll-out of Attention Deficit Democracy.

I prefaced that book with a brief credo. Perhaps more Americans would pick up on the sarcasm now than when it the book first came out…..

Credo for the New American Patriotism

I believe:

That politicians are more honest than they seem;

That government is more competent than it appears;

That government is benevolent, regardless of how much it wastes or how many people it harms;

That citizens must trust the government, regardless of how often it lies;

That democracy is a panacea, regardless of how often it fails;

That freedom is whatever the president says it is, pending revision.
—James Bovard



3 Responses to Credo from Attention Deficit Democracy

  1. Neil Freuen January 5, 2011 at 9:29 am #

    I’m forced to disagree with the titling of this credo. The ADD kids I’ve dealt with are not stupid, just in need of pushups. The people who believe this (about 90% of Republicans and Democrats) are just blind.

  2. Tory II January 5, 2011 at 12:32 pm #

    Amerikanos love their govt. How dare you. You’re a mean evil sicko.


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