This 1971 New Yorker cartoon captures the essence of taxation – except that the notion of the gunman saying “I’m sorry” seems utterly out-of-date.
What would be the correct image and posture for the IRS in 2012?
“Are Americans free simply because they are
permitted a perfunctory choice on who will
molest their rights and liberties?”
This 1971 New Yorker cartoon captures the essence of taxation – except that the notion of the gunman saying “I’m sorry” seems utterly out-of-date.
What would be the correct image and posture for the IRS in 2012?
Uncle Sam hasn’t had to wait until April 15th since World War II.
I think this comic should be recaptioned:
“Don’t make me come looking for you next week.”
Much better caption! Bravo!
Plus, nowadays, Uncle Sam would be portrayed non-violently.
I.e., he would be launching a Taser charge at some cringing old lady.
Come on guys, let’s be fair. Uncle Sam has got important stuff to pay for. GSA has got some more Vegas conferences (vital to teh public good! we need public servants with expertise in hot tubs) and the Secret Service has some important “investigations” of prostitution to carry out.