Archive | May, 2012

FBI: “A Stasi for America”

Following is a review essay I wrote for the American Conservative – A Stasi for America By James Bovard A ripple of protest swept across the Internet in late March after the disclosure that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was teaching its agents that “the FBI has the ability to bend or suspend the law […]

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Doc Watson, R.I.P.

The great Doc Watson passed away today. He was one of the most talented and classy bluegrass performers that ever graced the stage. I vastly prefer fiddle over the guitar, but Watson was a helluva guitarist. As Wikipedia notes, “Watson was born in Deep Gap, North Carolina. He got the nickname ‘Doc’ during a live […]

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As I was testing the beer yesterday at a Rockville, Maryland, Memorial weekend event, my eye was caught by a t-shirt with the following bilingual motto:   The black t-shirt was worn by a late 20-something with a military-style haircut. He was accompanied by his wife who was pushing baby stroller. I ambled around to […]

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