Dutch cartoonist Margreet de Heer has a great new cartoon on the history of democracy. This is part of her forthcoming graphic novel, World Domination – a Discovery in Comics. Here is a link to the Amazon page with Margreet’s other books. A thumbnail bio: “A long time ago, Margreet studied Theology at the University of Amsterdam, but through divine intervention she ended up being a comic artist.” Theology’s loss is cartooning’s gain. There are plenty of American editorial writers who could learn from her democracy cartoon. Folks might also enjoy her Philosophy – a Discovery in Comics, which was published in the U.S. in 2012.
Margreet kindly includes my “wolves/sheep” line just after quotes from Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt. Her drawing of me pops up around 3 minutes into the 4 minute video.
Wow! Jim, not only are you placed in with all these big shot historical figures, you are given the last word on democracy too.
By the way, if democracy is more than 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner, what constitutes more?
If we are talking about American democracy, I may have the answer. It would be PR people for the wool cartel to convincing
the lone sheep to vote with the wolves
Tom, that’s a great standard for “more.” The Trump people should hire you as an advisor!
Or, as they say in kamp killary… let them eat mutton.