Archive | March, 2017


Uncle Sam Shooting Down My Quote?!?

I wrote the following sentence almost a quarter century ago. It is the last sentence of the first chapter of Lost Rights (St. Martins, 1994). Daunting to think how many additional rights & liberties Americans have lost since then…. Thanks to for the background & text layout & Not sure of the best music […]

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fred fiske from wamu website Screen-Shot-2017-03-02-at-3_49_04-PM-760x428

Talk Show Legend Fred Fiske, RIP

Fred Fiske, a radio host who was on the air in Washington for 64 years, died earlier this month. Fred often had me on his talk show program on WAMU FM, a 50,000 watt public radio station, in the 1980s and early 1990s. He was one of the kindest, most decent folks I ever encountered […]

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My Sasquatch Cameo? Another Quote JPEG

from the final chapter of Freedom in Chains (St. Martin’s, 1999) – Here’s the original version of this jpeg that I saw online today. The photo makes me look a bit like Sasquatch, so I tweaked it. I appreciate whoever crafted this jpeg!  first saw this jpeg this morn, tweeted by @ScrewedbyState. A Google reverse […]

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CP: Peanuts Prove Congress is Incorrigible

COUNTERPUNCH, March 29, 2017 Peanuts Prove Congress is Incorrigible by James Bovard The history of federal peanut policy illustrates why Congress could never competently manage a lemonade stand. The feds sabotage farmer productivity, screw consumers, and sow chaos around the world – all for campaign contributions. Federal spending for peanut subsidies has increased eightfold since […]

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Political Positive Thinking is a Slave’s Virtue

This quote is from Attention Deficit Democracy (Palgrave, 2006).  I trimmed it slightly from the book version: “In politics, ‘positive thinking’ is often a slave’s virtue, something people do to delude themselves about the burdens and chains being placed upon them.” The background & text layout thanks to design software site. Here’s an earlier […]

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FFF: The Great Goober Train Wreck

Future of Freedom Foundation The Great Goober Train Wreck of 2016 by James Bovard The history of federal peanut policy is the perfect antidote to anyone who still believes that Congress could competently manage a lemonade stand. Federal spending for peanut subsidies will have risen eightfold between last year and next year — reaching almost […]

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USA Today Budget Oped Stirs Rage

OK, so not everybody likes that “Trump budget cuts bankroll new waste” oped in USA Today.  Here’s some tweets it evoked – @AnnCoulter You guys have either been hornswoggled by a flimflammer or you're hoodwinking bejugglers yourselves — Stephen Gill (@bffgill) March 19, 2017 And here are some testy […]

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