Working with Wikileaks almost a decade ago, Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning provided some of the most damning revelations on U.S. foreign policy and military atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump’s Justice Department indicted Wikileaks’ mastermind Julian Assange on 17 counts of espionage. The feds arm-twisted Manning to testify against Assange, who is apparently suffering […]
Archive | November 27, 2019

Ruby Ridge and Deval Patrick: The 542 Page DOJ Report Patrick Scorned
In my USA Today piece on Deval Patrick, I mentioned the 542 page confidential Justice Department task force report on Ruby Ridge which was compiled after an Idaho jury trounced the FBI and Justice Department in the Randy Weaver trial. Patrick dismissed the findings of that report and exonerated the FBI, helping spur widespread fears […]

USA TODAY: Deval Patrick’s Forgotten Catastrophic Coverups
USA TODAY, November 27, 2019 Will Deval Patrick be president? Not if his past scandals have anything to say about it. by James Bovard Former Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick entered the presidential race last week. Patrick is touted as a centrist Democrat and is reportedly former president Barack Obama’s favorite candidate. Patrick is also the […]