MY FIRST TIME IN EAST BERLIN by James Bovard This is the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall — one of the most glorious moments in the modern history of freedom. I first passed through that wall while hitchhiking around Europe in the summer of 1977. After camping in West German woods […]
Archive | November 11, 2019
The “Officer Friendly” Police Fantasy
The “Officer Friendly” Police Fantasy by James Bovard Police in Tempe, Arizona, announced plans in July for a “positive ticketing” campaign to pull over drivers who had violated no traffic laws. A Phoenix TV station reported that the police would give the people they targeted free soft-drink coupons for Circle K as a reward for […]
Veterans Day: The Lost Soldier I Met at the Baltimore Bus Station
Baltimore Sun, November 9, 2018 On Veterans Day, I remember ‘Bobie’ from Baltimore by James Bovard Veterans Day is a time for parades and tributes to those who served in America’s armed services. But most celebrations ignore the human carnage that inevitably follows when politicians send their fellow citizens off to foreign wars. Considering the […]