American Conservative, March 7, 2021 Terrorist Crackdowns Won’t Keep Us Safe The Bush administration’s post-9/11 domestic crusade is a cautionary tale for post-1/6 America. March 6, 2021 |12:01 am James Bovard President Biden, congressional Democrats, and much of the media are clamoring for a new law against domestic terrorism. Before enacting a new law, […]
Archive | March, 2021

Tom Bethell, R.I.P.
Tom Bethell, a British expat with one of the most graceful writing styles in Washington, passed away last month at the age of 84. For going on 40 years, Tom was a columnist for the American Spectator. I wrote for the Spectator in the mid-late 1990s, and Tom was always one of my fav folks […]

The Wreckers of New York and their Bitter Rivalry
American Institute for Economic Research, March 2, 2021 The Wreckers of New York and their Bitter Rivalry James Bovard What happens when two masters of political illusion seek to dominate the same turf? New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio have prospered by championing disastrous policies that once assured […]