Smacking Kamala and the Media on Salt Lake City Radio

Radio host Rod Arquette and I had fun tonight smacking around the media and Kamala Harris’ record on 105.9 KNRS in Salt Lake City.  Here’s a few outtakes:

“This presidential race is being portrayed as a choice of Hitler or Joan of Arc. But it’s not that simple.”

“Harris talks about a having a future that is unburdened by what has been. And apparently that’s her view for her own career as well.”

“Harris is a typical Washington politician. They have all these lofty dictates and these moral absolutes, except for themselves.”

“She is one of the most pious politicians to come come along in a long time. And that’s part of the part of why the media has raced to put her on a pedestal. But piety doesn’t work out very well in politics. We can go back to Bill Clinton, Obama, George W Bush was pious after 9-11.”

Rod asked my prediction if Harris and Trump debate. I said there were two prime variables: “One is whether Harris would be able to keep her laugh off the podium,” given that it sounds even too wacky for Beavis and Butthead.  “And the second question is which Donald Trump shows up…. In some debates, he’s been a loose cannon blowing himself up.”

Rod asked my prediction for November: “I think that Harris is getting a huge boost boost right now, but it’s almost like a bipolar reaction and with a lot of Democrats that were so desperate to have a change from Biden.  I think unless Trump screws himself – and that’s certainly possible – that he should be able to win by a decent margin.”

Of course, if the Secret Service fails to stop another assassination attempt on Trump, that could jigger the odds.

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