“No One Outshines James Bovard” – Last Rights reviewed by George Leef

Hearty thanks to George Leef for his kind words for Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty  in the new issue of Future of Freedom:

No one outshines James Bovard. For decades, he has been indefatigable in his work to blow the whistle on the waste, folly, illegality, and sheer villainy of politicians, bureaucrats, and other government minions.

“The Statists want us to believe that we are still free, even though our freedom is constantly shrinking.  James Bovard is their implacable foe. In his latest book, Last Rights: The Death of American Liberty, he surveys the American landscape, reporting on many, many attacks on our rights. He keeps track of the laws, regulations, and official misconduct that are turning us from free people into serfs of the government. The book is packed with facts that should have your blood boiling.

“In his concluding chapter, Bovard seeks to awaken us to the looming disaster. He writes, ‘Americans must never forget that the most dangerous inequality is that between the rulers and the ruled. No private citizen has a prerogative to forcibly accost, wrongly shoot, and wantonly plunder their neighbors. Laws against torturing pets are better enforced than laws prohibiting government agents from tormenting private citizens.’

“Read Last Rights and you will grasp the truth: government has far too much power and uses it for many despicable things.”

George is an author , a columnist for National Review and Forbes, and the research director for James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. George, a Duke Law school grad, is also a classical music host on WCPE, a North Carolina non-commercial, independent, listener-supported station dedicated to excellence in classical music broadcasting.

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George Leef


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One Response to “No One Outshines James Bovard” – Last Rights reviewed by George Leef

  1. D. Frank Robinson September 6, 2024 at 2:54 am #

    How can a fascist police state be repudiated and a democratically elected republican form of government established? I propose an election reform I call the Liberty Ballot. The Liberty Ballot is a write-in only ballot with the Chaum Secret Ballot Receipt which keeps the ballot anonymous but verifiable by the voter who cast that ballot. It does not allow a voter to disclose for whom they voted. The Liberty Ballot would enable voters to recover the power to restrain government officials, which they lost when government confiscated the right to print ballots and monopolized the printing and censorship of ballot content – a characteristic of a fascist police state.
    My congratulations to James Bovard for his exposure of how liberty has been suppressed. Now we must act on what James Bovard has exposed. I submit ballot reform is a vital step in making Americans freer than ever before.