Tag Archives | Last Rights

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 11-58-56 The State of Liberty in America Today

Talking Last Rights on the FFF Podcast

I joined Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling for a rowdy exchange about Last Rights and political crimes on the Future of Freedom Foundation‘s Libertarian Alternative podcast.  I much appreciated Jacob’s endorsement of my new book: “I highly recommend Last Rights, another fantastic book by Jim Bovard.” Here are some outtakes from the interview: “It might […]

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Screenshot 2024-04-15 at 19-24-58 James Bovard The Death of Liberty in America is Not Foreordained

Talking Last Rights on the Geopolitics & Empire Podcast

Hearty thanks to Hrvoje Morić  for inviting me on to his excellent podcast, Geopolitics and Empire. We had a rattling good chat, smacking around politicians, bureaucrats, and plenty other rascals.  Here is his summary of the show: James Bovard discusses his new book on the death of liberty in America. The U.S. government has become […]

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Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 20-40-08 Government Commits More Crimes than We Know Guest James Bovard Ep 273

Talking Last Rights with Matt Kibbe on Liberty

Hearty thanks to Matt Kibbe and Free the People for inviting me on this podcast. Plenty more comic relief where this came from at this link – Here’s a link to my outtake video on my East German adventure along with the NY Times article after I exited East Berlin Here is an outtake photo […]

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