Lively Interview Online – Torture, Iran, Dictatorship, etc. columnist Scott Horton interviwed me today for an hour about Attention Deficit Democracy. We had a good ol’ time –  I hope folks get lots of laughs from the show.  Scott, who has done some excellent writing on the danger of war with Iran, had excellent observations on the latest developments in the Middle East.

The audio file can be easily downloaded or listened to from the website here.    It played earlier today on Scott’s home base station,  at the Kaos 95.9 FM website. 

The interview has not yet been rated by the American Council for Political Idealism.


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4 Responses to Lively Interview Online – Torture, Iran, Dictatorship, etc.

  1. Tom Blanton February 2, 2007 at 12:20 am #

    Just listened to the interview – what a great conversation. Scott is really doing some good stuff with Antiwar Radio.

    I’ve been burning a few of these programs to CD, playing them in my car and then passing them on. I think I’ll burn several CDs of this interview for friends. Sure as hell beats anything you’ll hear on the car radio. I can only monitor clear channel war propaganda for short periods of time before my head feels like it might explode.

  2. Jim February 2, 2007 at 9:21 am #

    Tom – thanks for listening! And thanks for burning some CDs of the show.

    I’m glad that Scott and are producing these interviews and getting them out there…. I hope it can reach folks who would not have the time or druthers to read the website itself…

  3. W Baker February 3, 2007 at 7:21 pm #


    For those so inclined, you can open your mp3 interview in iTunes and dump it on your iPod for ‘mobile’ listening (this would also work on other music players/mp3 devices). For those running Mac (or Windows iTunes), right click (or control click) the mp3 link at Antiwar, select open in iTunes, and within iTunes, throw it on your Pod in the usual way.

    Jim, I enjoyed the interview. A lot of it seemed to revolve around the fact of how quickly the American people forget their politicians’ lies and how distorted their justifications of said politicians are – or, in other words, Attention Deficit Democracy!

    The average folks I run into to have so much emotional and financial investment in the ‘system’ that to question it would call their whole lives into suspicion. The whole political mess is so personal that average folks probably question their marriages/relationships before they question the political elite. Imagine that. There is no place for reason in the political sphere anymore. It’s all sentimentality.

    Take care.

  4. Jim February 4, 2007 at 9:36 pm #

    Wes – thanks for the feedback and thanks for the info on how folks can listen to it more easily.

    Maybe reason in politics can revive. I’m not sure where Hilary stands on this issue.