The current issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons includes a review of Attention Deficit Democracy by Jerome Arnett, a West Virginia doctor and freedom activist. I much appreciate Jerry’s kind words for the book – as well as the great work of the journal’s publisher, the Association of American Physicans and Surgeons. […]
Author Archive | Jim
Are Democrats Better on Surveillance?
The Future of Freedom Foundation posted online today my article from their September Freedom Daily on the forgotten sordid history of the Clinton administration and the Democratic Party on surveillance. Are Democrats Better on Privacy and Surveillance? by James Bovard The Bush administration has probably illegally violated Americans’ privacy more than any presidency in at […]
Christmas Comes Early for Cynics!
Just when the national media was hooting up the dawn of a new era of Good Government, another political hack goes down. The arrest of Illinois governor Blagojevich for auctioning a U.S. Senate seat is the perfect tonic to Obama-mania. Initial reports indicate that the feds caught Blagojevich red-handed on tape. If he is guilty, […]
Podcast of the interview on Militarizing the Home Front
Yesterday’s interview with Brian Wilson is now available as a podcast here. (Scroll down to the 12/3 interview) Tim King, the author of The Conscience of Abe’s Turn blog, kindly posted a partial transcript of the interview on his website. Here’s an outtake of my comments : It’s possible that the deployment of troops could be tied to a presidential […]
Listen Live – I’m on the Brian Wilson Show Today (12/3) at 4:30 Eastern time
I will be on the Brian Wilson radio show today at 4:30 pm. Brian is one of the funniest and most thoughtful talk show hosts in the biz. We will be talking about how the U.S. military will be increasingly deployed within the United States. Listen Live here. (He is on Toledo’s WSPD – 1370 on the AM […]
YouTube version of my “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties” speech
Lew Rockwell kindly posted today the links to my Future of Freedom Foundation conference speech on “Bush’s War on Civil Liberties.” The speech is a bit dated, since Bush recently renounced his authoritarianism and is showing a new devotion to the Constitution. Whoops – last line was a typo. According to my insider sources, Bush […]
Beth Hoffman, R.I.P.
Beth Hoffman, the managing editor of The Freeman, passed away yesterday. She was a fine editor and a great lady. I had the pleasure of working with her on many stories since the mid-1980s. Beth was one of the unsung heroes of the freedom movement. She worked at the Foundation for Economic Education from the mid-late 1970s. She […]